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Welcome to The Butterfly Kisses Company!  My name is Maddalena and I’m the creative force behind the brand.  I’m married to my very supportive husband and together we have two beautiful children and a fur baby.  My family is my world!


Creating is and has always been my passion despite my longstanding career within the financial world. Unfortunately, it had to take a back seat for some time as I’ve been on a mission to restore my wellness.  In late 2016 it was discovered that I had developed thyroid cancer.  This life altering diagnosis affected me on many levels.  During this difficult time, I turned to creating as a therapeutic outlet to help me cope and my little company evolved.  Celebrating life and all of its precious moments took on a whole new meaning!

Offering custom cakes, party decor and more! I’m super excited to showcase different elements of my creativity.  Whether you’re a loyal client, a DIY’er or simply looking for some party planning inspiration, I vow to provide an array of options.  Having two little ones of my own, I’ve come to realize that there are so many milestones to acknowledge, both big and small!  So, let’s create some memories and celebrate life’s special moments together!

